Created February 10, 2004, Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Incorporated, is a service organization allied within the LGBTQA community and its supporters.
Kappa Xi Omega works to enhance and educate the LGBTQA community by promoting diversity and unification through a series of workshops, seminars, and a general disbursement of assets. Kappa Xi Omega was developed as an alliance for professional lesbian women as well as an affiliate within the LGBT and Women’s Health Community. Our focus is to the improve the community through the continual implementation of our community service programs and creating partnerships with organizations of similar goals and mindsets.
The vision of Kappa Xi Omega is to prepare and encourage women of good character, high ethics, and noble ideals to contribute positively to the world in which they live while striving to be recognized as the premier service-based leadership development organization among LGBTQA sororities and fraternities.
Kappa Xi Omega works to enhance its entire organization through its leadership and program modules.