Kappa Xi Omega also holds the distinction of being a certifying organization of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Service with our organization does have its benefits.
A descripton of the Kappa Xi Omega national service programs are below:
- Family Fun Day: An annual back to school celebration held each August for children who need school supplies and just want to have fun. This event is 100 percent free and provides school supplies to at least 100 children. Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Incorporated is the first LGBTQA organization to create and execute a program of this magnitude.
- Kappa Xi Omega National Day of Service: Instead of working, members volunteer their normal eight hours to a local charity of their choice.
- Go Orange for Diversity: In celebration of National Coming out Day, Kappa Xi Omega members “Go Orange” to showcase diversity and celebrate the diverse membership of Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Incorporated.
- ENGAGE!: ENGAGE! is the continual voter education and registration initiative of Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Inc.
- Kommunity Response Days (KRDs): Kommunity Response Days (KRDs) are designated days of service where members mobilize in their respective areas with a focus on specific community targets.
Each chapter/ colony has its own charitable organization that is also supports through financial and volunteer efforts.
Donations are accepted year round for all events that we host and all donations are tax deductible. Receipts are provided upon request. All transactions are secure and encrypted. More information can be obtained by emailing our community service commission at altruism@kappaxiomega.org.
If you would like to see us in action click here http://www.kappaxiomega.org/mlk.wmv or visit our national photo gallery by clicking here http://www.kappaxiomega.org/kxotwo