Kappa Xi Omega’s greatest asset is her members. Our members consistently make their mark through service and sacrifice in their respective communities as well as in the Sorority. Kappa Xi Omega would like to recognize individual members who have gone above and beyond in the name of Kappa Xi Omega.
2015 Neophyte of the Year This award is given to a new member who has demonstrated superior interpersonal skills; sisterly relations; knowledge of Sorority operations, Sorority documents, and community and civic affairs. Recipients : Kathy Clark and Katrina Smith
2015 Luminary Visionary Award This award is presented to the Soror who excels in leadership, service, media promotion, sisterly spirit, community involvement and dogged determination. Recipient: Brandynicole Brooks
2015 Silent Angel Award This award is awarded to the Soror who working behind the scenes constantly for Kappa Xi Omega Recipient: Dr. Natalie Kennedy
2015 Spirit of Elpis (Personification of Hope) Given to the Neophyte who completes the most community service hours for a calendar year of all the Neophytes inducted within the same sorority year. Recipient:Kathy Clark
2015 Spirit of Horme (Personification of Energetic Activity)   Given to the Prophyte who exceeds the yearly minimum of 160 community service hours by 15 hours or more. Recipient: Bertia Peoples