Increasing African-American donations is vital because blood types O and B, the blood types of about 70 percent of African Americans, are the blood types most in demand. Your blood donation can help African-Americans suffering from diseases such as sickle cell anemia, cancer and heart disease.
Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women. Join Kappa Xi Omega as we “Go Red” to help fight heart disease.
Connect with Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Incorporated for a full week of dynamic events celebrating our founding. -
Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Incorporated celebrates 15 years of sisterhood, action, and service.
Reclamation is the official retention program of Kappa Xi Omega Sorority, Incorporated that allows members who have been inactive for two years or more to reactivate their membership at a discounted rate. -
The month of March is our organization's time
to celebrate, appreciate, and nurture our bond of sisterhood!
Many youth who are identified (by themselves or by others) as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) are routinely subjected to name-calling, bullying, and other forms of harassment.
That’s why every year hundreds of thousands of students across the world take a vow of silence on a Friday in April. This quiet but powerful, student-led action raises awareness about the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying, harassment and discrimination. Read more at : https://www.glsen.org/
Follow Kappa Xi Omega on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for educational tidbits on mental health awareness. -
Heart disease is the # 1 killer of African American women. Step Lively is meant to promote physical activity our members and the community. -
Title Talks focuses on increasing literacy and access to books among under served populations.
• 93 million adults in the U.S. read at or below the basic level needed to contribute successfully to society.
• By the time children from low-income families enter grade school, their proficiency in reading has already become an issue.
• 47 percent of fourth graders from low-income families read below the basic level.
• 50 percent of Black fourth graders scored below the basic level, as do 47 percent of Hispanic and 49 percent of American Indian fourth graders.Kommunity Response Days (KRDs) are designated days of service where members nationwide mobilize in their respective areas on the same day with a focus on specific community targets.
Title Talks will be happening in FL, WA, MD, NC, TX, KY, VA, GA,OH, NJ, D.C., and IL. Email kappaxiomega@gmail.com to participate.Target : Community Enhancement & Elevation
(Logo used with permission of Hazing Prevention.org) -
Follow Kappa Xi Omega on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for educational tidbits on domestic violence signs and prevention.
To celebrate National Coming Out Day which is October 11, members wear orange to symbolize diversity. Go Orange is a signature program of Kappa XI Omega commissioned in 2007. Go Orange was created by the National Community Service Commission. -
Sorors wear purple in support of GLAAD’s Spirit Day. Getting involved in Spirit Day is easy. Wear purple and turn your profile pictures purple Spirit and help create a world in which LGBT youth are celebrated and accepted for who they are.
Annual clothing and supply drive conducted November 1st through December 15th Each member/chapters of the organization will collect clothes and household items that they no longer wear or use and donate them to a local shelter in their respective areas.